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Primary |PrePrimary| NIDO Infant & Toddler
Our Montessori program is year-round and offers open enrollment throughout the year as space allows. Montessori Children's House & School offers a Full Day that includes early arrival and extended care. We also offer child care on many of the holidays for your convenience.  
School Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 to 5:30

"The more fully the needs of one period are met, the greater will be the success of the next. "

Maria Montessori


Ages 3 - 6 years

Life begins…and the most critical years of growth are the first six years of life when unconscious learning is brought to the conscious level.

The Primary classroom at Montessori Children's House of San Antonio is a three-year experience where the child explores a wealth of learning and discovery materials designed to satisfy the child's need to see, hear, touch, taste, sort, count, record, understand, and master what he discovers about himself and his environment. The years between three and six are the years in which children learn rules of human behavior most easily. These years can be constructively devoted to cultivating children, freeing them through the acquisition of good manners and habits, to take their place in society.


"Knowledge can best be given when there is an eagerness to learn, so this is the period when the seed of everything can be sown, the child's mind being like a fertile field, ready to receive what will germinate into knowledge." - Maria Montessori


Ages 18 months - 3 years

In the Toddler classroom, our curriculum emphasizes the development of perceptual and motor skills as well as social and academic abilities.

Children are encouraged to develop good work habits and work at their own pace and level to acquire a sense of order and independence. The child encounters the beginnings of social and language skills, practical life, manipulations, sensorial exercises, math, art and music in the Montessori philosophy.

We foster these goals at Montessori Children's House in a prepared environment, which channels the child's enthusiasm into independence, self-confidence, coordination, respect for oneself and one's peers and a joy for learning.





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NIDO Infant/Toddler

Ages 6 weeks - 18 months

Our infant program nurtures the sense of trust and security in each child. The two rooms are prepared with guided exploration in mind. The space is safe and designed to meet the developmental needs of the youngest members of our community. Infants are remarkable students who spend their entire infancy learning what it means to be human. Our teachers are models for the students and interact with the babies through singing, speaking, rocking, holding, laughing and smiling. The Montessori education at this level is based on both child and brain development. Safety, love and cognitive growth are the cornerstones of our program.

Our teachers follow the infants’ schedules, and allow them to nap when they are tired, eat when they are hungry and explore when they are ready. Teachers encourage the infants to challenge themselves. For example, our teachers will observe an infant who is working on reaching or crawling. The teacher will place an object just out of reach and the infant will problem-solve until he/she retrieves the object.
The Montessori Infant program is an environment that focuses on all aspects of your child’s development.


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